AJC mention of "Roll Yer Own"


Thank you Jonathan Williams!

Animation for mature eyes only

By Jonathan Williams
For the Journal-Constitution
Published on: 06/19/2008

IT USED TO be that animation referred to family-friendly fare such as Disney films and Saturday morning cartoons. These days, though, anyone who has ever laughed at the intelligently crude humor of shows like "The Simpsons," "South Park" or "Family Guy" knows that animation can often be intended for mature (and immature) audiences and even deemed inappropriate for younger viewers.

Falling in the latter camp of animation, two festivals take place in Atlanta this week championing a surreal style of cartoonish fun. First up is Spike & Mike's Sick and Twisted Festival of Animation.

Celebrating its 25th anniversary, Spike & Mike's predates any of the previously mentioned shows and likely paved the way for the popularization of the art form. The weeklong festival showcases underground shorts from around the world such as the French-produced "Du Pain," about anthropomorphic bread slices that plan their escape from a toasty demise, and a couple of gruesomely cuddly "Happy Tree Friends" features about woodland creatures whose innocently pastel adventures end up going horribly wrong. "Save Virgil," featuring the voice of Adam Carolla in the title role, is about the cartoon offspring of a biker and a porn star living in a live-action world.

Focusing on local talent, the Roll Yer Own indie animation festival recently held its fifth annual screening on Memorial Day. Featuring stop motion, Flash, traditional, 3-D and other animation formats, this one-night event allows Atlanta's own filmmakers and animators to showcase their projects yet again with a second showing this week. While they may not feature celebrity endorsements or previous critical acclaim, these shorts might just give you a glimpse at some rising local talent scribbling their way to bigger things.

> THE 411: Spike & Mike's Sick and Twisted Festival of Animation: $8. 7:45 and 9:45 p.m. June 20-26. The Plaza Theatre, 1049 Ponce de Leon Ave., Poncey-Highland. 404-873-1939, www.spikeandmike.com, www.plazaatlanta.com.

> ALSO: Roll Yer Own: Free. 8 p.m. June 25. The Five Spot, 1123 Euclid Ave., Little Five Points. 404-223-1100, www.asifa-atlanta.com, www.fivespot-atl.com